sábado, junio 18, 2005


In the eye

I have my stuff.

So does you.

And you make such a big deal,

But you don’t have it for real.

Neither do I.

I lost my way.

You walk right, straight,

And you don’t understand,

That in the end, we do again

Meet face to face.

I see on these walls

Some light, some darkness.

The death fooling around,

Asking how much weight a pound,

And trying to look you in the eye.

I do believe

On a era of no one,

When we all take the blame,

And we all are ashamed,

For make the same question.

The way is now clear,

And bless by the rain

We do walk on the street

Since that day we meet,

The pain and the flesh.

Do your thing.

I do mine.

Lead the people do it right.

I will be the horse and knight.

And the death will look us in the eye.


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